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Ours by choice

Parenting through Adoption

Auteur Mehta Nilima
Categorie anderstalig
Uitgeverij Clare Talwalker and C.Y. Gopinath
Isbn /
Jaartal 1992

Among Non-Institutional services for children, Adoption perhaps is one of the most suitable modes of rehabilitation for the abandoned and destitute child.  Ours by choice is a sensitive study of adoption issues, in the Indian Socio-Cultural context and responds well, to the needs of Adoptive Parents.
I am sure this will motivate many more parents to give a home to a child who needs one.  _ Gerry Pinto, UNICEF
In the long years Nilima Mehta has pursued her vocation, she has found no higher reward than gifting a new life to a couple.  It was no easy task.  She has persevered against cultural and social prejudices, ignorance and fear.
Her book is a definitive guide on adoption.  With clarity and depth she explores the social, emotional, psychological and familial aspects of her subject.  Fears are allayed; controversies such as the nature versus nurture issue laid to rest; and step-by-step procedures for a successful adoption explained in detail.
This is a valuable book.  It takes us along a path which is right and true.  No greater gift can be bestowed to a childless couple thant he life of an infant they can call their own.  And they discover - as we all do - that there is a place in the heart which does not exist until the love of a child brings it to bright and shinig life. _ Frank Simoes
A practical book covering all the facets of Adoption, for adoptive parents as well as persons involved in the field of Adoption.  Comprehensive in content, it provides valuable information, guidance and experiences on the Adoption Option. - Najma Goriawalla, President Indian Association for Promotion of Adoption.

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