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Nam Hamel's horizon

Auteur de Hartog Jan
Categorie DVD
Uitgeverij Retina Entertainment
Isbn /
Jaartal 2003

Thirteen years after being trapped in the southern part of Korea a group of sailors returned home, and one of them wrote a journal about the events.  It is one of the earliest known documents Europeans ever read, or had access to, about Korea.  Stylistically inspired by the 350-year old journal of Dutch sailor Hendrik Hamel, Hamel's Horizon offers a rare Dutch view of modern South Korea.
Annemiek Heyung Nam van Wees is a Korean woman who was adopted and moved to The Netherlands 22 years ago.  For the first time since she left as a child, Annemiek visits the country of her birth.  Following Hamel's route from Seoul to Cheju Island she comes across people, places and things that reflect past and present Korea.  She learns about Hamel, culture and a name she shares with the Dutch sailors - and she also learns that she has more in common with Hamel's stranded crew than she could have imagined.

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