Meer dan 700 boeken over adoptie & opvoeding
Meer dan 700 boeken over adoptie & opvoeding
In de bibliotheek van Steunpunt Adoptie vind je meer dan 700 adoptie- en/of opvoedingsgerelateerde boeken en films. Ontlenen is gratis, je betaalt enkel een waarborg en portkosten. Klik hier voor meer info.
Auteur Ryan Tony
Categorie anderstalig
Uitgeverij CoramBAAF
Isbn 9781910039410
Jaartal 2016
Children separated from their birth families are often denied the opportunity to know about their past and to clarify past events in terms of the present. They may have changed families, social worker, homes and neighbourhoods. Their past may be lost, much of it even forgotten.
Losing track of the past can make it difficult for them to develop both emotionally and socially. The technique discussed in this volume, 'life story work', can be used by adults to help prevent this to vulnerable children.